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Here’s why weight management (which is NOT weight loss) is important

Deepavali may have just passed, but the weight we gained from eating all that delicious festive food is here to stay.

Fat in the body

Adipose tissue (aka body fat) is the greatest storage space for energy in your body, making up about 15-20% of men’s body weight and 20-25% of women’s body weight. In a man’s body, it more likely translates into potbellies, as the fat generally has a higher tendency to accumulate in their abdomens. For women, fat tends to accumulate in their hips, thighs and in rear areas, leading to their pear-shaped bodies.

Fat cells are metabolically active cells which store fatty acids as energy. Fatty acids come from 3 main sources: dietary fats, fat produced in the liver and excess blood glucose.

There are two types of fat – brown fat and white fat. Brown fat assists in burning energy; they appear as small lipid droplets and generate fat. White fat stores energy and is full of lipid droplets. About 20% to 25% of adult body weight is made from white adipose tissue. White fat is always located beneath the skin and is the huge cause of obesity.

What happens if I have too much?

You run a high risk of obesity as fat is stored beneath the skin. Obesity happens when this fat gets too much. That’s not the only issue you might face if your weight and fat content continue to stay out of control. Premature ageing, type 2 diabetes and even cardiac failure are just some of the diseases the body runs a risk of contracting.

What should I do then?

Take your measurements. Parameters such as Body Mass Index, Waist to Hip Ratio (WHR), and blood analysis are good indicators of where you stand on the weighing scale. They vary from body to body, but generally, here’s a good gauge:


Underweight : <18.5

Normal: 18.5 – 24.9

Overweight : 25 – 29.9

Obese : > 30


Simply put, this is the measurement of your waist divided by that of your hip. Normally, it is greater than 0.80 for women and 0.95 for men. More than that, there’s a chance of type 2 diabetes, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, and cardiovascular diseases.

Exception: Those with BMI above 35 should not stick to this measurement, as they have already exceeded the cut-off points.

How do I know if I’m safe?

As much as you’re scrolling through to find the hacks part of this article, like lemon-coffee water, the most effective solution would be to visit your GP for an accurate assessment on your parameters. They will be able to advise on proper weight management steps catered specifically to you and your body’s requirements. Through a mixture of a clean diet and exercise, you can transform yourself into not just a physically healthier individual, but mentally and emotionally as well.

If you are concerned and would like to have your weight managed, drop us a call at +65 6271 3155 or email us at

Your health is in your hands. Take charge of it today.

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