Acne Scar Treatments
Acne is one of the most common skin disorders. Nearly 85% of all people have acne at some point in their lives, most often on the face, chest, and back. Acne is extremely common in the 12 to 25 age group. However, there are individuals in the age group of 50 who can still develop the problem.
Causes of Acne
Acne is known as a disorder of the skin’s pilosebaceous unit and is triggered by multiple factors such as:
A hormone called androgen which stimulates the sebum-producing glands.
Bacteria called Propionibacterium Acne can also provoke an acne breakout.
Occlusion of the pores at the skin surface by dead cells creates a thick layer of mechanical occlusion.
Occlusion of the sebaceous duct by overgrowth of the cells lining the duct.
Hyperactivity of the sebaceous glands, in addition to making the skin oily, can also triggers off acne.
Women may get more pimples around the time of their menstrual periods due to hormonal spikes.
High glycaemic diet can also trigger acne breakout.
Research shows that the tendency to develop acne can be inherited from parents.
Other things that can cause acne, or make it worse, are certain drugs, such as those used to treat epilepsy or tuberculosis; exposure to industrial oils, grease and chemicals; and stress and strong emotions ( which may account for the big date breakout ) and some oily cosmetics and shampoos.
There are various types of acne – ranging from the simple ‘comedogenic’ acne to the severe disfiguring acne ‘conglobate’. The selection of treatment depends on the type of acne.
Comedogenic acne
Comedogenic acne is common among teenagers. They often present as whiteheads or blackheads. Most people have a tendency to pinch it in order to extract the whitish seed like material. Common complications are post acne pigmentation, excoriations, dull texture and occasionally scarring.
Inflammatory acne
Inflammatory acne normally affects adults and middle-aged individuals. Over activity of the sebaceous gland, hormones and Propioni bacteria triggers this type of acne.. Common complications are scars and,post-acne discoloration of the skin.
Cystic acne
Cystic acne is common among teenagers and adults. This type of acne is normally red, swollen and painful. Cystic acne requires immediate medical intervention in order to prevent long term scarring. Cystic acne is best managed with drugs such as Accutane and / or antibiotics along with aesthetic medical intervention.
Acne conglobata
Acne conglobata is the most chronic and severe form of acne vulgaris, characterized by deep abscesses, inflammation, and severe damage to the skin and scarring. In the case of acne conglobata, inflammatory nodules gradually increase in size until they break down and discharge pus. Deep ulcers may form under the nodules, leading to keloid-type scars, and crusts may form over deeply ulcerated nodules.
Nodulocystic acne
This form of severe acne is characterized by painful, cysts, which may measure several centimeters in diameter, and may occur individually, or in a widespread areas such as the face, neck, scalp, back, chest and shoulders. The cyst may be filled with thick, yellow pus-like fluid. This is usually an inflamed and infected cyst.
Acne with pigmentation & scarring
Pigmentation (marks) and scarring is a common aftermath of acne. Once the acne has been treated, the scarring and the pigmentation can be treated with lasers.
Based on the skin type, severity and type of acne, the physician may recommend either one or a combination of treatments. It is important for patients to realise that acne can be treated and kept under control, but cannot be cured permanently. In addition to medical treatments, a healthy lifestyle and positive mind-set is equally crucial to keeping acne at bay.
Treatments available for acne:
Chemical Peels
Nutritional Supplements
FDA Approved Medical Lasers & other Light devices